Hoddle Grid Heritage Review

Volumes 1 and 2 of the Hoddle Grid Heritage Review relate to built heritage (buildings, laneways and precincts) and contain the recommendations implemented by Amendment C386 and C387.

  • Volume 1 outlines the methodology and recommendations of the Review.
  • Volume 2 contains the citations for each place or precinct recommended for protection comprising:
    • Volume 2a - Precincts, pre-1945 places and revisions to existing individual Heritage Overlays
    • Volume 2b - Postwar Thematic Environmental History and postwar places

You can find out more by reading the Review at Attachment 2 to the Future Melbourne Committee Council Report or by browsing the heritage place citations.

The City of Melbourne has also completed a review of Aboriginal history as it relates to the Hoddle Grid. This was undertaken by independent heritage consultants working with Traditional Owner Groups and makes up volumes 3, 4 and 5 of the Hoddle Grid Heritage Review. These volumes of the Review were considered and endorsed at the 2 April 2019 Future Melbourne Committee meeting.

Amendment C386 was approved on 1 October 2020 providing interim heritage protection for an additional 72 individual places.

Amendment overview

Amendment C386 was approved by the Minister for Planning on 1 October 2020 and implements the recommendations of the Hoddle Grid Heritage Review on an interim basis while permanent controls under Amendment C387 are progressed.

Many of the individual places and all of the precincts recommended for protection in the Review were already included within interim overlays established under Amendment C327. A further 72 individual places were included within interim heritage overlays under Amendment C386 to ensure these buildings are protected while permanent controls are progressed through Amendment C387. A list of all places identified within the Review that are included within interim heritage overlays is here.

Amendment C386 also updated the statements of significance and made related changes to Amendment documentation for all individual places and precincts within existing interim heritage overlays. Additionally, two existing interim individual heritage overlays and one precinct are proposed were deleted.

Places with live planning permits and applications for substantial development have been excluded from interim controls in Amendment C386.

Full details of Amendment C386 (Interim Controls) are provided on Department of Environment Land Water and Planning’s website.

See details for Amendment C387 (Permanent Controls).

A Heritage Overlay on your property will mean that, in most instances, you will need a planning permit from Council to subdivide the land, construct a building, carry out alterations and additions, externally paint a building or erect a sign.

Council officers will need to consider the heritage significance of your property before making a decision on a planning permit application, which seeks to modify the appearance of your property.

A planning permit is not required for repairs and routine maintenance that do not change the appearance of the heritage place or for internal alterations, unless the interiors are deemed significant.

Amendment C386