We recently completed the North Melbourne Heritage Review, the first comprehensive review of heritage in this area since the 1980s. The independent review looked at all properties within the study area and made recommendations to change the heritage category of 119 properties and seek heritage protection for four new individual heritage places.

The North Melbourne Heritage Review is implemented through Amendments C402 (interim controls) and C403 (permanent controls). One hundred and eight properties are recommended to have their level of heritage protection increased on an interim basis while the permanent controls are progressed.

The Minister for Planning has approved Amendment C402. The Amendment was gazetted on 6 October 2022.



  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Future Melbourne Committee meeting

    Council adopted Amendments C402 (interim controls) and C403 (permanent controls) to implement the recommendations of the North Melbourne Heritage Review.

    12 April 2022

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Approve interim controls

    The Minister for Planning has approved Amendment C402.

    The Amendment was gazetted on 6 October 2022.

Amendment C403

Permanent controls in the North Melbourne Heritage Review.

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