The site at 192-200 Arden Street North Melbourne has been used by its owner, the Electrical Trades Union (ETU), for more than 10 years for its administrative head office and training and health services.

The ETU proposes to continue use of the site and in the future increase the building floor area to accommodate expanded office facilities. The current use of the site can continue but any office expansion is prohibited under the existing residential zone. Planning Scheme Amendment C447 proposes to rezone the site to mixed use and introduce site-specific height and setback controls to guide any future redevelopment of the site. The amendment has been proposed at the request of the ETU.

Have your say

Lodge your submission to Amendment C447 by completing the “Make a Submission” form on this page and press “submit”.

You can also send your submission to:

Your submission must include your name and contact details, clearly stating the grounds on which you support or oppose the amendment and indicating what changes to the Amendment (if any) you wish to make.

Your name and contact details are needed to notify you of opportunities to attend Council meetings and any other public meetings considering submissions.

The closing date for submissions is 5pm Thursday 25 July 2024

Amendment overview

Learn more about Melbourne Planning Scheme Amendment C447.

Make a submission

Consultation closes 5pm, 25 July 2024



  • Timeline item 1 - incomplete

    Community consultation closing

    Thursday 25 July 2024.

  • Timeline item 2 - incomplete

    Submissions to the Future Melbourne Committee

    Report on public submissions to Future Melbourne Committee. Council requests Minister to appoint independent panel to review and hear submissions.

  • Timeline item 3 - incomplete

    Submissions to an independent panel

    An independent panel considers written submissions lodged during the statutory period, hears verbal submissions in support of the written submissions and makes recommendations.

  • Timeline item 4 - incomplete

    Panel report to the Future Melbourne Committee

    Future Melbourne Committee considers the panel report and changes to the Planning Scheme Amendment. Council submits the final adopted Amendment to the Minister for approval.

  • Timeline item 5 - incomplete

    Final Amendment submitted to the Minister for Planning

    Council submits final Amendment to the Minister for approval.

Contact us

Have questions or want to learn more about the project?