Planning Scheme Amendment C447

Despite the site sitting in a residential zone which prohibits office use unless associated with a residential development, the site benefits from existing use rights as the office use has been operating on the site for a long time. This means that the Electrical Trades Union (ETU) can continue the office use on the site. However, the existing zone controls prohibit the ETU from increasing the floor space to accommodate expanded office facilities.

The proposed change in zoning from residential to mixed use reflects the non-residential buildings and uses on the site.

The proposed DDO84 will guide any redevelopment of the site in the form of staggered building form with heights ranging from 3.4 metres at the northern site boundary up to 20 metres along much of the Arden Street frontage.

Although a 20 metre height limit is proposed to be applied over the heritage Mills building, the retention of this identified heritage building and its significant external fabric is protected under existing heritage provisions in the planning scheme. The amendment does not change the heritage status of the existing Mill building or the buildings existing level of heritage protection.

Built form requirements map.

Proposed built form requirements.

Specifically, the Amendment:

  • Rezones the site from General Residential Zone – Schedule 1 (GRZ1) to Mixed Use Zone (Clause 32.04).
  • Introduces a new Schedule 84 to the Design and Development Overlay (Clause 43.02).
  • Amends Planning Scheme Map 4 and inserts Map4ddo to rezone the land to the Mixed Use Zone and apply the new Schedule 84 to the Design and Development Overlay.
  • Amends the Schedule to Clause 72.03 to include the new map reference.

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Amendment C447