Directions Hearing scheduled

June 3, 2021

A Directions Hearing for Melbourne Planning Scheme Amendment C387 will be held at 10am on Friday 11 June 2021.

Due to COVID-19 and the associated physical distancing requirements currently in place, the Directions Hearing will proceed by video conference via Microsoft Teams. Observe proceedings on 11 June at this video conference link.

Parties to the proceeding have been contacted by Planning Panels Victoria regarding these arrangements. The Panel will hear this matter in an open forum, consistent with its obligation to conduct hearings in public.

If you have any questions about accessing the Directions Hearing, please contact Chris Brennan, Project Officer at Planning Panels Victoria at Make sure you quote the Amendment number ‘Melbourne C387’ when requesting access from Panels.

As with in-person hearings, please be advised that the Directions Hearing must not be recorded in any part or in any way without prior permission from the Panel. This includes audio and video recording.

Details of the main Hearing will be published as soon as they are made available.