Future Melbourne Committee Meeting
August 5, 2020
Due to the number of Councillors declaring conflicts of interest for Agenda 6.1, Planning Scheme Amendments C386 and C387 – Hoddle Grid Heritage Review, the quorum for the meeting was lost and the agenda item has been dealt with by an officer under delegation.
The decision made under delegation is in accordance with the management recommendation printed in the agenda papers as follows:
- Notes the Hoddle Grid Heritage Review (Attachment 2) and selected individual heritage places and precincts (Attachment 3) proposed for interim and permanent heritage controls under Planning Scheme Amendments C386 and C387.
- Requests the Minister for Planning prepare Planning Scheme Amendment C386 (Attachment 6) pursuant to section 20(4) of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 to:
- Include all extant individual heritage places without existing interim controls (except places with live planning permits for substantial development) identified in Volumes 1 and 2 of the Hoddle Grid Heritage Review within interim Heritage Overlays.
- Provide updated statements of significance and make related changes to amendment documentation for all extant individual heritage places and precincts within existing interim Heritage Overlays identified in Volumes 1 and 2 of the Hoddle Grid Heritage Review.
- Delete two existing interim individual Heritage Overlays (8-12 Market Street and 53-57 Queen Street, Melbourne) and one existing interim Heritage Overlay Precinct (Little Collins Street Precinct).
- Seeks authorisation from the Minister for Planning under the Planning and Environment Act 1987 to prepare and exhibit Planning Scheme Amendment C387 (Attachment 7) to:
- Include all extant individual heritage places and precincts identified in Volumes 1 and 2 the Hoddle Grid Heritage Review within permanent Heritage Overlays.
- Provide updated statements of significance and make related changes to amendment documentation for all extant individual heritage places and precincts within existing interim Heritage Overlays identified in Volumes 1 and 2 of the Hoddle Grid Heritage Review.
- Delete two existing interim individual Heritage Overlays (8-12 Market Street and 53-57 Queen Street, Melbourne) and one existing interim Heritage Overlay Precinct (Little Collins Street Precinct).
- Authorises the General Manager Strategy, Planning and Climate Change to make changes to Planning Scheme Amendment C387 (Attachment 6) to take account of the approval of Planning Scheme Amendment C386 should the Minister for Planning approve Amendment C386 prior to exhibition of Amendment C387.
- Authorises the General Manager Strategy, Planning and Climate Change to make any further minor editorial and referencing changes to Planning Scheme Amendment C386 and C387 as required.
Access the agenda papers, minutes, audio and resolutions for this committee meeting.