Busking guidelines review

October 13, 2017

After extensive public consultation, the City of Melbourne has developed a refreshed set of busking guidelines, which are set to be included in a new Melbourne Busking Handbook. Proposed changes to the guidelines were presented at the City of Melbourne’s Future Melbourne Committee on Tuesday 19 September 2017.

At this meeting, Council resolved to defer consideration of the busking guidelines until the Tuesday 17 October 2017 meeting in order to allow time to consider matters raised in submissions to the September 2017 meeting.

The Busking Guidelines Review has since been deferred to the November FMC. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause, but want to give every submission and concern the attention it requires.

Revising our busking guidelines will help to ensure the City of Melbourne remains one of the world’s great busking cities.

To find out about the refreshed busking guidelines and report to Council, visit Future Melbourne Committee 19 September 2017.