
We’ve developed a draft City River Strategy that outlines future aspirations for the inner city section of the Yarra River.

Submissions are now closed.

2. What is the main reason you visit the river? Required

Select all that apply

3. Culture

a. To what extent do you agree with the strategic directions under the Culture theme? Required
Strongly agree
C1 – Collaborative: Establish a protocol for on-going collaboration with Traditional Owner groups to help tell the story of the Aboriginal connection to the Birrarung.
C2 – Visible: Increase the public visibility of Aboriginal intangible heritage and the history of the Birrarung through interpretation and information.
C3 – Maritime: Recognise the historical and contemporary importance of the maritime uses of Birrarung.
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4. Ecology

a. To what extent do you agree with the strategic directions under the Ecology theme? Required
Strongly agree
E1 – Riparian greening: Re-introduce a riparian zone to improve water habitat, biodiversity and create a healthy river ecosystem.
E2 – Ecologically connected: Optimise the urban vegetation along the river banks prioritising an Indigeneous palette to improve local biodiversity and ecological networks.
E3 – Resilient: Address flood risk and improve water quality.
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5. Place

a. To what extent do you agree with the strategic directions under the Place theme? Required
Strongly agree
P1 – Inviting: Prioritise Northbank renewal to create an inviting backdrop to the City.
P2 – Multi-functional: Celebrate character areas and encourage new economies: a range of civic, educational, cultural, hospitality and water dependant uses.
P3 – Public: Sustain the civic focus by encouraging activation that offers broader inclusion and supports a public waterfront.
P4 – Legible: Rationalise clutter and on-water infrastructure to ensure unobstructed vistas and views.
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6. Movement

a. To what extent do you agree with the strategic directions under the Movement theme? Required
Strongly agree
M1 – Slow: Distinguish the river as a slower paced environment by creating safe, alternative north and south bicycle routes.
M2 – Integrated: Transform the condition of key ‘barriers’ to address the gaps to the north-west and integrate access with the City.
M3 – Accessible: Raise the quality and universal accessibility of riverfront pathways.
M4 – Water transport: Encourage more water related activity and greater diversity of vessels, particularly more non-motorised crafts.
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This helps us understand if we’ve reached those most impacted by the proposed strategies, and who else might be interested in these outcomes.

Please tell us your age group. This helps us measure whether we’ve heard from a broad range of age groups, and helps us direct our efforts to improve representation in decision making processes.

By providing your email address, you will receive confirmation of your submission and we can let you know the outcome of our consultation analysis.

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.

Draft Strategy Overview

Find out about our future aspirations for Melbourne's inner city Yarra River.