We are seeking to hear what you value about Melbourne and understand which of the aspirations below are more important to you.
This means that:
- Our community supports each other to be healthy and resilient, particularly when times are tough.
- Access to clean air, a safe climate, open space and connection to community improves our physical and mental health and wellbeing.
- Our city's streets and public spaces are safe, comfortable and easy for everyone to access by walking, cycling and public transport.
This means that:
- We eliminate our waste through circular economies and commit to 100% renewable energy.
- Industries and communities have the tools and information they need to take action against climate change, including the knowledge and guidance of our Traditional Custodians.
- Buildings are built to the highest quality and environmental standard to complement the streets and spaces around them.
This means that:
- Aboriginal culture and connection to our waterways, parks and biodiversity play a leading role in how a liveable Melbourne is experienced.
- We celebrate the buildings, streets and spaces that make our neighbourhoods special, whilst allowing them to grow and change.
- Our places and buildings can adapt to accommodate a mix of uses for a changing community and economy.
This means that:
- Our economy becomes more sustainable and inclusive, supported by leading knowledge and creative sectors.
- Businesses, universities and communities have the skills and tools to adapt to new challenges and solve city problems together.
- People have a great experience of the retail, services and entertainment in our city, whether in the central city, in our local neighbourhoods or online.
This means that:
- Startups, researchers and businesses can develop new ways for technology to connect our community to the services, people and businesses they need.
- New city data and tools create a strong evidence base to support community decision-making.
- Our economy allows new industries and jobs to be created through innovation in research, commercialisation, manufacturing and delivery.
This means that:
- Melbourne is an inclusive and accessible city that addresses inequality and provides opportunity for all.
- We offer a mix of quality, affordable and accessible housing to our community that is close to jobs and services and helps those experiencing homelessness.
- Our community has access to high quality community facilities and services.
This means that:
- Melburnians feel a sense of ownership of the city and are empowered to make decisions about their city.
- Our community cares for and respects each other when we come together and solve problems.
- The history and culture of our Traditional Custodians is acknowledged, respected and celebrated as we plan for our city's future.
Next steps
Tell us what you think of the aspirations by taking part in the online survey. Your input is important, and we will listen to what everyone has to say.
We will come back to you with a draft Community Vision, four year Council Plan and Annual Plan and Budget, for your feedback before adopting final versions of these by 30 June 2021.