The 2017–21 Council Plan, incorporating the Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan (MPHWP), expresses the shared vision of the Council in meeting the needs of the community. It articulates the outcomes the Council intends to achieve, how it will prioritise and resource efforts to achieve these, and how it will measure success over the next four years.

In developing its draft four-year plan, the Council considered the community’s goals and aspirations set out in Future Melbourne 2026. Future Melbourne 2026 was refreshed in 2016 with significant input from broad sectors of the community, including residents, workers and business owners.

The 2017-18 Annual Plan and Budget outlines what the organisation needs to deliver in the year ahead and to deliver on the four-year Council Plan.

The Annual Plan and Budget 2017–18 and Council Plan 2017–21 were adopted by Council on 27 June 2017 following community consultation.

Consultation closed

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