Melbourne is a highly creative city that recognises the role creativity plays in expressing our identity, creating a sense of belonging and transforming our economy.

The expiry of the City of Melbourne’s Arts Strategy 2014–17 gave us an opportunity to take a new look at creativity, bearing in mind international trends and competitive city positioning.

Our new Creative Strategy allows us to harness the full potential of creativity in the city by integrating it into everything we do – not as an add-on, but right at the start – when contemplating the changes and challenges ahead of us.

We will engage creative practitioners of all kinds to work with subject experts on city opportunities and challenges that relate to the nine goals Melburnians have set for their city.

Through this approach, Melbourne will draw on the full potential of its extraordinary creative community to benefit all who live, work and visit here.

Consultation closed



  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Community engagement

    22 June to 17 July 2018

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    ​Final Creative Strategy considered by Council

    September 2018

  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    Final Creative Strategy released

    October 2018

  • Timeline item 4 - complete

    Creative Strategy implementation plan and progress report

    July 2019

Read the Creative Strategy 2018–28

Creative Strategy 2018–28

Read an overview of the strategy.

Contact us

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