Working bee gets raingardens off the ground

April 11, 2023

A cold, wet autumn day couldn’t dampen the spirits of the Remix Raingarden pilot team as they began installing Remix Raingardens.

Over the next three weeks the team will add plants, a stormwater irrigation system, sensors and artistic signs to the garden.

Raingarden plants have been carefully selected and include Carex Apressa (a wetland grass) and other native and hardy drought-resistant varieties.

Sensors will keep us up-to-date ‘sensing’ the gardens’ water level, the cloudiness of the water (impurities) and whether the soil has enough moisture to keep the plants healthy. Sensors will also collect data about how many people visit the site to learn about the raingardens.

An online data dashboard will share all the data we collect and help to compare what’s happening across the different garden beds as well as other raingardens in the city.

You’ll be able to visit the raingardens from Wednesday 26 April. An official launch will celebrate this milestone; Innovations with water: design for a climate-resilient city. The Remix Raingarden team will present the raingardens as an example of a circular economy innovation for water-sensitive urban design.

Launch event

When: Wednesday 26 April from 5.30pm to 6.30pm
Where: Australian Road Research Board (ARRB), 80a Turner Street, Port Melbourne
Cost: Free
Register now.

Follow behind the scenes of the installation on Instagram. Stay tuned for future events and ways to get involved.