Phase one

The conversation

The first phase of community consultation for Fairbairn Drive tree replacements took place from August to November 2020.

During this time we gathered feedback from people living or owning homes in Fairbairn Drive about upcoming tree removals that were scheduled due to most trees having structural defects.

We provided information to directly affected residents and offered a large evergreen replacement species that was in line with the Urban Forest Precinct Plan for Kensington. The purpose of the engagement was to better understand the community vision for replacement trees in the street.

Gathering insights

We received a range of community feedback in response to the Fairbairn Drive project, and requests for further consultation with residents prior to any tree replacement. In an effort to better understand the community vision for trees on Fairbairn Drive we undertook a range of consultation activities from late October to late November.

We sent out a flyer to residents within the street inviting them to take part in an online survey, and attend a community workshop about the project.

The online survey was open from 30 October to 25 November and asked residents about their ideal tree characteristics and any other feedback and considerations in planning for the tree replacements.

The online workshop took place on Thursday 5 November, which gave the opportunity to hear more from our Urban Forest team, ask questions and discuss ideas in small groups. During this workshop we discussed what participants valued most about trees and what they would like to see from future plantings.

What we heard

A total of 17 residents contributed to the online survey and provided feedback.

Survey results indicated an overwhelming support for a medium sized tree and a preference for either evergreen or deciduous. There was mixed feedback on native trees with the majority of responses not in favour of gum trees.


Based on this feedback we have selected to two alternative species of trees for the residents of Fairbairn Drive to choose from. These tree were selected as the best matched community preferences collated during the consultation, as well as being climate ready.

  • Evergreen Ash (Fraxinus griffithii)

    • Evergreen tree (a tree that has leaves year round).
    • Typically reaches between 6-8m high in the urban environment.
    • Has green shiny leaves.
    • Produces small white flowers during Spring.
  • Chinese Pistachio (Pistacia chinensis)

    • Deciduous tree (tree the sheds leaves seasonally.
    • Typically reaches 6-8m high in the urban environment.
    • Has a vibrant autumn display of orange and red foliage.

Next steps

Consultation on the species selection of trees for Fairbairn Drive was open from 6 January to 5 February 2021.

Feedback we heard will be used to make a final decision on the species. Tree planting is scheduled to take place from April to September this year.

Phase two

The conversation

The second phase of community consultation for Fairbairn Drive tree replacements took place from 6 January to 5 February 2021.

Based on feedback gathered during phase one of consultation, we selected two alternative species of medium sized trees for future planting on the street. We asked the people living or owning homes in Fairbairn Drive to vote for their preferred species.

Feedback was collected via the online survey and residents of Fairbairn Drive were notified about the consultation by a letter.

What we heard

Based on responses to the online survey we received overwhelming support from the community to plant Chinese Pistachio (Pistacia chinensis) trees in Fairbairn Drive. Chinese Pistachio’s are a medium sized deciduous tree that have orange and red foliage in autumn and are suitable for a warming climate.

  • Chinese Pistachio (Pistacia chinensis)

    • Deciduous tree (tree the sheds leaves seasonally.
    • Typically reaches 6-8m high in the urban environment.
    • Has a vibrant autumn display of orange and red foliage.

Next steps

For consistency and amenity, one species will be planted for the length of the street. Replacement tree planting will be undertaken during the 2021 planting season, which runs from April to September. Follow this page to receive the latest updates.

Fairbairn Drive Tree Management