The State Government of Victoria and City of Melbourne are partnering to create a permanent memorial for victims and survivors of family violence. The memorial aims to provide a space for all members of the community to reflect and heal.
Between 30 November and 19 December 2016 we invited you to tell us what you think about the site, as part of the 2016 Victoria Against Violence campaign. The Victoria Against Violence campaign, now in its second year, is part of the United Nations led international campaign, Unite to End Violence Against Women: 16 Days of Activism.
We invited you to share your thoughts about this important site and, in particular, we seek your views on the design and look of the memorial, and what it might mean for you.
The State Government of Victoria and City of Melbourne are working closely with the Victim Survivors’ Advisory Council on all aspects of this project.
For further information please contact the Department of Premier and Cabinet.