The conversation
Errol Street is home to an eclectic mix of dining, shopping and cultural experiences.
In 2022, we trialed temporary greening initiatives for Errol Street included native plants and understory grasses in concrete planter boxes, and four bench seating areas, between Victoria Street and Queensberry Street.
This trial allowed for experimentation with different types of greenery, without any significant alteration to existing footpath and road space.
Gathering insights
Community provided feedback on the temporary greening initiatives on Errol Street through a survey on Participate Melbourne. The survey was open from the 29 November 2021 to 3 June 2022.
The survey asked participants what would encourage them to spend more time on Errol Street and how these temporary greening changes influenced their experience of the street.
Who we heard from
- 257 survey respondents
- 2351 Participate Melbourne page views
- 43 project followers
- 78 per cent of survey participants visit Errol Street regularly
What we heard
When asked what would encourage people to spend more time in and around Errol St, over 80 per cent of respondents said more greening.
Additional seating (46 per cent) and art installations (43 per cent) were the next top suggestions.
Community also expressed that they would like to see:
- less vacant shops fronts
- more variety in businesses
- improved cleanliness
- the maintenance of Errol Street’s heritage character
- enhanced lighting to improve safety
- opportunities to support First Nations artists in the precinct.
Examples of what we heard
How has the introduction of trees and seating changed your experience of Errol St?
- ‘Greenery makes Errol St seem more vibrant and will hopefully attract traders back to the area.’
- ‘The more greenery, the better!! Healthy Plants always add to my feeling of well-being, be it trees, flowers or other greenery.’
- ‘Nice to have greenery. The concrete is a little ugly, bad for the environment and hot. No one sits on the seats as they’re not inviting and too hot. But the greenery works.’
- ‘It looks much nicer and more inviting, feels more friendly and neighbourhoody.’
- ‘Yes, love the vibe! Feels so friendly and cheerful, makes it nicer to dine outside and just go for a walk.’
- ‘I certainly enjoy my morning coffee a bit more!’
- ‘Yes it creates an atmosphere where people are more likely to linger more.’
- ‘Feels cooler, more shade available. Also more opportunities to sit/stop.’
Through this consultation, we heard strong positive support for the current temporary greening initiatives on Errol Street.
Given this strong support, the current temporary greening infrastructure remains in place in Errol Street.
Next steps
We are investigating further opportunities for permanent greening on Errol Street and across the greater North Melbourne area.
For example, we are currently seeking feedback on a proposal to create new open space by extending the much-loved and well-used Errol Street central median, just north of Queensberry Street. We’d like your thoughts on whether you would support either option, or if you prefer no change. Read the proposal and have your say.
Please continue to follow this page for updates on future greening projects in the area.