In our city, we are facing a housing and homelessness crisis, a situation mirrored across Australia and the world. Visible homelessness, people sleeping rough on the streets, is just the tip of the iceberg in our homelessness crisis. Many more women, children and families are part of the hidden problem – sleeping in their cars, on other people’s couches and in severely overcrowded or temporary accommodation.

The City of Melbourne created Homes Melbourne in response to the housing and homelessness crisis, to reduce homelessness and increase safe, secure, and affordable housing in our city.

Homes Melbourne is delivering on our Affordable Housing Strategy and is developing a draft Homelessness Strategy. Public consultation occurred in February and March 2024.

Feedback we heard during this time will be used to inform the final Homelessness Strategy 2024-2030, which will be presented to Council for consideration in July 2024.

Our vision

Our priorities

  • Priority 1: A city where everyone has a home

    We take a person-centred approach, supporting each person on their pathway out of homelessness. People with lived experience of homelessness inform our work. Our priority cohorts are Aboriginal peoples, young people, women, and people experiencing chronic homelessness and sleeping rough.

  • ​Priority 2: A city where no one is left behind

    We will create an inclusive city where everyone is supported. We will ensure coordinated services, collaboration and advocacy through partnerships with our communities, governments, corporates and the homelessness sector.

  • Priority 3: A city unified to end homelessness

    We will support our community to be informed, respectful, empathetic, and united to end homelessness. Our public spaces will be designed and managed to be safe, welcoming and inclusive.



  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Draft Strategy research


  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Community engagement

    21 February to 7 April 2024

  • Timeline item 3 - active

    Final strategy to council and outcomes shared with the community

    July 2024

Read the Draft Homelessness Strategy

Find out more about Homes Melbourne

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