Community consultation summary and updated Street Greening Plan available

June 23, 2021

The Improving Provost and Little Provost Streets consultation summary and updated Street Greening Plan are now available.

Community consultation on the street greening proposal took place from 27 August to 21 September 2020. Feedback we heard was used to inform the updated Street Greening Plan.

Based on the community feedback, changes we made to the Street Greening Plan include:

  • The introduction of speed bumps at each end of Provost Street. These will be incorporated into additional greening and kerb outstands that will further narrow the road and slow down through-traffic.
  • A trial of lawn in nature strip crossovers.
  • A review of the car parking losses in Little Provost Street to ensure that parking is not removed unnecessarily.
  • Improved soil volumes and conditions for optimal tree growth for long term greening outcomes.
  • Explore whether further resident only restricted car parking along Provost and Little Provost is supported.

See the updated Street Greening Plan (PDF 4.1MB) and find out more about what we heard on the community consultation page.