Consultation summary and updated Street Greening Plan available

November 24, 2021

The Improving Scarborough Place consultation summary and updated Street Greening Plan are now available.

Community consultation on the Scarborough Place street greening proposal took place from 11 March to 1 April 2021. Feedback we heard was used to inform the updated Street Greening Plan.

Based on the community feedback, changes we made to the Street Greening Plan include the:

  • Introduction of an Australian native evergreen tree - Allocasuarina torulosa, this species will contribute to ecological connectivity across the city.
  • Review of the car parking proposition in Scarborough Place to ensure that no parking spaces are removed unnecessarily and identified additional potential car parking locations.
  • Exploration of whether there is community support for resident priority car parking along Scarborough Place.
  • Introduction of understory and tree plantings that will slow down through-traffic.
  • Retention of the current outdoor on street dining area as required.

See the updated Street Greening Plan and find out more about what we heard on the community consultation page.