The draft Inclusive Melbourne Action Plan has been developed in consultation with the community. We heard feedback through seven focus groups with community members, including people with lived experience of exclusion and representatives from community organisations.


Eight key themes were identified that were consistent across the four priority groups:
  • 1. Diverse and inclusive workplace

    We value the diversity of experiences, identities and perspectives within our workforce. We want our organisation to be safe, accessible, and welcoming for all who work here.

  • 2. Accessible information and communications

    Our information and communications must be accessible to and inclusive of all members of our community, regardless of their level of education, digital literacy, spoken language, ability, age, or lifestyle.

  • 3. Services, programs and events for diverse needs

    We aim to ensure our services, programs and events support the needs and priorities of all communities, and that everyone feels secure, comfortable and welcomed when participating.

  • 4. Safe, welcoming, accessible places and spaces

    We are committed to creating and maintaining public spaces that are physically accessible, safe, and culturally and socially inclusive, so that our communities can access them safely, participate fully, and care for their social, mental, and physical health.

  • 5. Economic empowerment and capacity building

    We want to build the capacity of community organisations and businesses to operate successfully and support our communities, by responding to local needs and making a positive contribution to our city.

  • 6. Entrepreneurship and employment

    We want everyone to have the opportunity to participate in and benefit from our economy, whether through paid employment or entrepreneurial activities.

  • 7. Community voice and participation

    We want everyone in our community to feel heard, and that priorities, aspirations and concerns have been considered within Council’s services, initiatives, and decision–making processes.

  • 8. Community connection and social cohesion

    We want to strengthen community connection, cohesion, and resilience by supporting community–led action, partnering with community and organisations, and building community capacity.


The draft Inclusive Melbourne Action Plan has 44 actions in total. Twenty-four actions aim to create meaningful impact across the priority groups, and 20 are targeted actions specific to the priority groups, responding to their unique needs and experiences.

The first 24 actions (all priority groups) continue the work of the current Inclusive Melbourne Strategy Implementation Plan 2022-24.

We asked for feedback on the remaining 20 actions targeted at the four priority groups (five actions each).

To read about these themes and actions in more detail, view Part One (MS Word 84.28 KB) and Part Two (MS Word 78.69 KB) of the draft action plan.

Inclusive Melbourne Action Plan 2024–26