Asbestos update

September 29, 2022

Environmental assessments identified some asbestos-containing material in soil samples on the site of the new Kensington Community Aquatic and Recreation Centre. The material is bound within cement, which reduces the potential for airborne asbestos fibres to be released.

We have been working closely with our consultants and the contractor to determine a safe and efficient method to remove the contaminated soil. This process has taken longer than expected due to the complexities of the site, however we anticipate works to remove the soil will begin in the coming months.

Soil removal works

In accordance with the requirements of the Environment Protection Act 2017, Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2017 and WorkSafe Victoria Compliance Codes, the contaminated soil around the proposed structure of the new centre will be removed and a separation layer will be installed between the existing soil and the new foundations.

While the asbestos poses no health risk to the community, the affected soil must be removed by a licenced asbestos removalist before works can recommence. The removalist will use air-monitors and dust suppression measures during the works to ensure the safety of local residents.

Timeline of works

We anticipate the soil removal works will take between six and seven months. This, along with additional challenges the construction industry is currently facing such as building material and labour shortages, means the timeline of the project will be significantly impacted.

We will have a clearer indication of how long the project will be delayed once the soil removal works are complete.

For more information

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