Demolition to commence

February 24, 2022

Works to prepare the Kensington Community Recreation Centre site for demolition have commenced.

This includes the removal of 34 trees to facilitate the expansion of the Kensington Community Recreation Centre. In line with our Urban Forest Strategy, we have retained as many of the current trees as possible and will plant additional replacement trees, as well as new vegetation and landscaping.

The playground equipment has been removed by the Rotary Club of Flemington Kensington, who will add it to a collection of equipment that will be shipped overseas and reinstalled for children to enjoy.

Demolition of the current building is scheduled to commence in the coming weeks. Once the building is demolished, excavation and groundworks will begin. Noise levels and vibration will be high while these works are carried out during the standard building hours of:

  • 7am and 7pm Monday to Friday
  • 8am and 3pm on Saturday.

Throughout the redevelopment, there will be minor traffic disruptions at various stages and a number of car parks will be inaccessible around the site. Nearby residents will receive notice prior to disruptions occurring.

The next update will be provided in March 2022.