City of Melbourne is responsible for approving signs visible to the public that require a planning permit such as business identification, promotion and other advertising signs.

The local signs policy in the Melbourne Planning Scheme helps guide the sign application process and what can be approved.

Our current local signs policy was written 20 years ago — and since then a lot has changed. With new technology, a growing population and a changing city landscape, we need to review our planning policies to make sure we're creating a Melbourne fit for everyone.

We are now reviewing our local signs policy and asked for community input from 5 April to 3 May 2024.

Feedback we heard will help inform a draft revised policy that will be presented to the Future Melbourne Committee in mid-2024 for approval to commence the Planning Scheme Amendment process. The amendment process will include a formal exhibition period following authorisation from the Minister for Planning during which the community will be able to review the draft policy and lodge a formal submission.

Learn more about the types of signs that require a planning permit below, and see what we heard on the feedback wall.

Consultation summary

Feedback we heard to inform the local signs policy.



  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Community Engagement to inform draft signs policy

    5 April – 3 May 2024

  • Timeline item 2 - active

    Analysis of feedback and development of draft signs policy

    May – June 2024

  • Timeline item 3 - incomplete

    Presentation of draft signs policy at Future Melbourne Committee meeting

    Presentation of draft policy to Future Melbourne Committee for approval to seek Ministers authorisation to begin Planning Scheme Amendment process

    Mid 2024

  • Timeline item 4 - incomplete

    Formal exhibition of planning scheme amendment

    During this time you can review the draft policy and lodge a submission.

    Following authorisation from the Minister for Planning.

  • Timeline item 5 - incomplete

    Submissions to Future Melbourne Committee

    Council’s Future Melbourne Committee will consider all submissions which will be then referred to an independent panel to review

  • Timeline item 6 - incomplete

    Submissions to the independent panel

    Independent panel considers written submissions lodged during the statutory consultation period, hears verbal submissions in support of the written submissions and makes recommendations

  • Timeline item 7 - incomplete

    Future Melbourne Committee and Council consider the panel report

    Future Melbourne Committee considers the panel report and changes to the Planning Scheme Amendment

  • Timeline item 8 - incomplete

    Amendment referred to Minister for Planning

    Council submits final amendment to Minister for approval

Contact us

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