The conversation

Our current local signs policy within the Melbourne Panning Scheme was written 20 years ago — and since then a lot has changed. With new technology, a growing population and a changing city landscape, we need to review our planning policies to make sure we're creating a Melbourne fit for everyone.

We asked the community to share their general thoughts and feedback on signs the in the City of Melbourne via a feedback wall.

Local businesses were also able to provide their feedback on the local sign policy within the Melbourne Planning Scheme and planning permit process via a short survey.

The consultation was open 5 April to 3 May 2024.

Which signs require a planning permit?

The local signs policy covers signs that require a planning permit. Find out what this does and doesn't include by selecting the icons below.

Gathering insights

Throughout the consultation we collected:
City of Melbourne icon of someone using a computer

18 feedback wall contributions

City of Melbourne icon for a survey

2 business survey responses

What we heard

The 18 community members who contributed to the feedback wall shared mixed views on which signs should require a planning permit.

Several contributions highlighted the need to consider the impact of illuminated and electronic signs on surrounding areas, particularly at night.

The contributions also showed a considerable interest from community members in protecting visual amenity from a proliferation of signs.

Some community feedback related to aspects of signs that are outside City of Melbourne’s control (e.g. reducing cigarette advertising).

While survey responses from businesses were limited, the responses highlighted the need for the policy to provide clear direction to permit applicants.


Community feedback will inform development of the draft updated Local Signs Policy.

The policy will seek to address community concerns relating to illumination of signs at night, the size and number of signs displayed.

The policy will also seek to provide greater clarity and clearer design direction to permit applicants, improving planning outcomes while balancing community expectations.

Next steps

The draft policy is being finalised and will be presented to the Future Melbourne Committee on 23 July 2024 for approval to seek Ministerial authorisation to begin the Planning Scheme Amendment process.

Formal exhibition of the updated policy will begin following Ministerial authorisation to prepare and exhibit the Amendment.

Local signs policy review