Macaulay Structure Plan 2021 to be considered by Future Melbourne Committee

October 28, 2021

The Macaulay Structure Plan 2021 will be considered by the Future Melbourne Committee for endorsement on Tuesday 9 November 2021.

Covering 90 hectares within North Melbourne and Kensington, the Macaulay precinct will transform into a thriving home and workplace for our growing community.

The Macaulay Structure Plan 2021 sets the vision for the renewal of Macaulay as a mixed-use, mid-rise neighbourhood. It provides a framework for future growth and development including planning controls, open spaces, street networks, affordable housing and community spaces over the next 30 years.

The final structure plan has been informed by feedback we heard during two phases of consultation on the 2019 Discussion Paper (PDF 15.18 MB) and 2020 Draft Structure Plan (PDF 16.9 MB).

The Macaulay Structure Plan 2021 will be considered by the Future Melbourne Committee for endorsement on Tuesday 9 November 2021.

You can now read the Future Melbourne Committee Report (PDF 22.16 MB), which includes the proposed final Macaulay Structure Plan 2021 and the community engagement summary.

We encourage you to watch the live streamed meeting, which will start at 5.30pm, and welcome written or verbal submissions that have been registered in advance.