The draft concept plan addresses the key themes that we identified through feedback from the first phase of community engagement.

The main themes and proposed outcomes of the draft concept plan include:

  • Improved usability/access to local park
    The draft concept plan proposes to close the east bound lane of Miles Street, so that the park can be expanded into this space. This results in a larger lawn area and more space for trees and planting for the local community to enjoy.
  • Improved safety
    During the first phase of community engagement, we heard concerns about anti-social behaviour and an uninviting feeling in the park due to overgrown vegetation, limiting visibility in and out of the park. The draft concept plan proposes to remove / prune overgrown vegetation and replant garden beds with low plantings to improve sight lines in and out of the park. The plan also includes a low barrier along Miles Street as a safety measure to help children and families feel safer in the park.
  • Improved amenities
    The current concrete seats and tables will be removed and replaced with new furniture, plus rocks and logs throughout the new garden bed areas. This will provide interesting areas to sit and provide informal play elements for small children to explore.
  • Improved traffic flow/conditions
    We heard concerns about cars speeding in the streets adjacent to the park and frequent traffic incidents at the intersection of Miles and Dodds Streets. The draft concept plan proposes changes to the road layout that will reduce traffic speeds and the likelihood and frequency of incidents at the intersection.
  • Parking
    We know residents are concerned about losing parking. Initially we thought 12 car parks would be removed to make way for the new park. The draft concept plan now proposes a loss of four car parks.

Download the draft design

An accessible version of this document will be made available on request. Any enquiries, please contact City of Melbourne on 9658 9658 or email

Park expansion design details

Miles and Dodds Street Reserve draft concept plan
  • 1. Seating

    The existing seats and tables will be removed and replaced with new furniture, plus rocks and logs throughout the new garden bed areas. This will provide interesting areas to sit and provide informal play elements for small children to explore.

  • 2. Lawn

    By shifting the seating to the lawn edges, it creates a larger lawn area for picnics, relaxing and play. The lawn area landscaping extends further west on Miles Street linking the cafe to the parkland. The expanded green space along Miles Street proposed to create a buffer to the road and improve streetscape amenity.

  • 3. Garden bed

    Existing garden beds will be refreshed with overgrown plants pruned or removed to make way for lower planting to improve sight lines in and out of the park. A diverse range of native, indigenous and other suitable plants will be planted to create biodiversity and interest in the park.

Miles and Dodds Street Reserve expansion