The City of Melbourne has developed a Strategic Opportunities Plan with proposals to revitalise Moonee Ponds Creek with a series of parklands, open spaces and wetlands.
The plan outlines a vision to connect new and existing communities along the creek corridor, through:
- future focused water management
- public space for community activity
- active transport
- biodiversity
- heritage and culture.
The Moonee Ponds Creek is an important north-south waterway that links several central city urban renewal precincts.
Its ecological value and health has been highly degraded by the impacts of industry and infrastructure over decades. Flooding is experienced within the corridor, and the scale and frequency of these events is expected to increase with climate change impacts and urban intensification.
By envisioning a set of key goals and articulating a series of opportunities to improve the Creek corridor, we anticipate that we will be better placed to advocate for the priorities of our rapidly growing population.
A strategic focus on urban and open space planning that strengthens the ecological, economic and recreational values of this natural asset is necessary to ensure the continued liveability of our neighbourhoods.
While the City of Melbourne does not own or manage the waterways or banks of the Moonee Ponds Creek, we are working closely with Victorian Government partners, land owners, neighbouring councils and community groups to ensure that the creek meets the needs of our current and future community.
Community consultation on the draft Strategic Opportunities Plan has now closed. The feedback we received helped shape the final document that will be provided to the Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) to advocate for better outcomes for the future of Moonee Ponds Creek. The final plan was endorsed by the Future Melbourne Committee on 20 August 2019.
Consultation closed
Timeline item 1 - complete
Community consultation on Arden Vision
Timeline item 2 - complete
Cross-Government Agency Workshop
Identify initial challenges and opportunities for the creek and neighbouring renewal projects.
November 2018
Timeline item 3 - complete
Community consultation on Moonee Ponds Strategic Opportunities Plan
20 March to 28 April 2019
Timeline item 4 - complete
Final plan endorsed at Future Melbourne Committee meeting
Mid 2019
Timeline item 5 - complete
Stakeholder feedback shared with Victorian Planning Authority
Mid 2019
Timeline item 6 - complete
Advocate to realise vision
VPA to prepare Moonee Ponds Creek Implementation Plan.
City of Melbourne to continue advocating to State Government on recommended implementation activities.
Late 2019 onwards
Read the final plan

Opportunities Plan
Explore the vision outlined in the draft Strategic Opportunities Plan.