Consultation summary available

June 9, 2022

Participate 3000 phase two consultation summary is now available, and our new Neighbourhood Planning Framework will be considered at the Future Melbourne Committee meeting on Tuesday 14 June 2022.

Consultation summary

Phase two community consultation took place from 22 March – 19 April 2022. During this engagement we heard most people felt our draft neighbourhood priorities were captured either ‘well’ or ‘very well’, but there was still some improvements that could be made. Find out more about what we heard on the community consultation page.

User testing was also undertaken to assist in the development of the online Neighbourhood Portal for communities. These Neighbourhood Portals are a one stop shop for neighbourhood connection and planning, and will start to be rolled out from late June 2022.

Future Melbourne committee meeting

The City of Melbourne’s new Neighbourhood Planning Framework will be considered at the Future Melbourne Committee meeting on Tuesday 14 June 2022. This framework outlines our overarching approach and commitment to neighbourhood planning across the city. Find out more at the Future Melbourne Committee 14 June meeting. You can take part in the Future Melbourne Committee meeting by attending in person or online, making a submission or asking a question. Further information can be found on the Getting involved in meetings page.