Connect with others in your community (friends, family, neighbours and more) through sharing ideas, stories and getting together for social activities.

Invite them to fill in and share a postcard.

Read about some of the positive community-led initiatives in Kensington making a difference and share some of your own.

You can also host a mini tea party with your neighbours using our conversation kit, or get busy colouring in some local places.

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Community postcards

Participate Kensington postcards

Read virtual postcards submitted by the community.

I ♥ Kensington

Kensington is full of many inspiring stories of local people working together to make an even more connected, inclusive, and sustainable neighbourhood.

Check out some of the examples below:
  • Food resilience

    When lockdowns hit there was a sharp drop in supplies of fresh food relied on for essential food support programs to vulnerable local people. In response, more than 300 kilos of fresh food was grown locally and distributed to people experiencing disadvantage through a collaboration between The Venny, Living Learning Australia, Kensington Stockyard Garden, Kensington Community Garden, Kensington YMCA, Unison Housing, Kensington Neighbourhood House with support from the City of Melbourne.

Community wall

Read positive stories, images or videos of Kensington shared by the community.

Host an activity

Tea party

Now lockdown has ended it’s the perfect time to re-connect locally with people in your community and get together (either virtually or face to face -subject to restrictions).

Download our tea party conversation toolkit, with all the details you need to get started.

Download a conversation kit

Colour in Kensington

For the young or the young at heart. Download the printable colouring in pictures below capturing different locations around Kensington. How many can you recognise? Once you've finished your creation upload it to social media with the hashtag #ParticipateKensington.

Download an illustration
