Consultation summary available

February 6, 2024

The Draft Place and Road Naming Policy and Guidelines consultation summary is now available.

Community consultation took place from 15 November to 20 December 2023.

205 participants completed the online survey.

The survey asked participants to indicate whether they support the prioritisation of Aboriginal language and women in history in order to help address the current imbalances in our place and road names. 61.31 per cent of participants do not support the proposed priorities, while 33.17 per cent support the priorities and 5.53 per cent were unsure.

We heard about the importance of diverse representation of all cultures, genders, demographics and groups in naming, and considering connections and contributions to the local area when naming (i.e. place-based and merit-based names).

Participants also told us about the importance of providing clear information about why a particular name has been proposed and how the community can suggest new names.

Find out more about what we heard on the community consultation page.

The findings of this engagement will inform the final Place and Road Naming Policy and Guidelines. This community consultation report will be presented to the Future Melbourne Committee (FMC) on Tuesday 6 February 2024. The final Place and Road Naming Policy will be presented to FMC for approval in mid-2024.