Consultation summary available

November 18, 2022

Thank you to everyone who had their say about Council’s proposal to sell four properties to reinvest proceeds into city-shaping infrastructure projects and the capital works program.

We heard that in divestment of properties the community would like to see proceeds used for:

  • improving the City of Melbourne
  • potentially easing the current housing crisis
  • affordable housing projects or other community purposes
  • other purposes.

Many people were supportive of retaining the properties for community use and benefit, and believed that the community would benefit more from retention of the asset than the revenue gained. There was considerable support for retaining current service delivery in the buildings that are currently tenanted.

You can read more about what we heard through the community consultation.

The proposal is now being considered by the Future Melbourne Committee on Tuesday 22 November and Council for decision on Tuesday 29 November. Read the full report.