Fourth People’s Panel workshop

November 10, 2018

The Queen Victoria Market People’s Panel has now met four times to discuss how to safeguard the market’s future by providing a thriving business environment for traders and a vibrant and flourishing market with better amenities for customers.

The 40 person panel represents a diverse range of views, and includes 15 traders from across the market trading areas, seven residents, seven customers and 13 stakeholder representatives.

In response to request from the panel, presentations have been provided on the previous options and plans for market infrastructure - both by the City of Melbourne and those who have developed alternative proposals. A representative from Aboriginal Victoria also addressed the panel on the Cultural Heritage Management Plan process for the Queen Victoria Market site, with the panel able to ask questions of all speakers.

The panel has requested more time to complete their deliberations and recommendations on trader and customer facilities to Council. Two more workshops have been scheduled, with the panel expected to complete its work by the end of November 2018.

To support the People’s Panel deliberations, the panel has been provided with two key documents prepared by the City of Melbourne and Queen Victoria Market Pty Ltd:

  • An introductory handbook: giving an overview of the deliberative process, a Terms of Reference for the People’s Panel and key logistical arrangements and support for the panel.
  • A background reading kit: giving an overview of the Queen Victoria Market, the site’s important heritage and key legislation and relevant planning controls covering the market precinct. It also includes an outline of the market renewal program to date and the operating challenges and needs of the market, including feedback from traders and customers.