At the Council meeting on 10 December 2019, councillors unanimously endorsed the development of a charter for Market Square informed by a recent community engagement process. The engagement provided an opportunity to test and validate previous ideas identified for Market Square, and seek other ideas for the development of a charter.

Read the Council resolution and the full meeting minutes.

Findings from the Participate Melbourne survey reinforced community support for transforming the current Queen Victoria Market customer car park into a public open space for the city’s growing population.

The opportunity to foster Aboriginal connection to the site received overwhelming support, further validating the City of Melbourne’s long-standing commitment to celebrating the site’s important history and heritage.

Read the Market Square community engagement report (PDF 3.20MB)


  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Community consultation on ideas for Market Square

    14 October to 1 November 2019

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Council report on Market Square engagement

    10 December 2019

  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    Develop Market Square charter

    December to March 2020

Market Square and Queen's Corner Building

In 2023 we gathered insights to shape the design and future use of Market Square and the Queen’s Corner Building.

Overview (2019)

Understanding the community’s ideas for future uses and activities in the space.

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