Second People’s Panel workshop

October 16, 2018

The second People’s Panel workshop took place on Saturday 13 October. More than 20 panel members took part in a tour of the market precinct to better understand the current operations, context and history of the site. Eleven other panel members took part in a tour late last month.

The Panel agreed to a set of principles to guide their deliberations on market infrastructure.

The principles will form the basis on which the panel will assess and consider a range of options to deliver trader and customer facilities within the precinct.

Following this, a senior representative from Queen Victoria Market Pty Ltd further outlined the current operating and logistical challenges of the market and future needs. This included loading and unloading requirements, storage, waste management facilities, customer and trader amenity, Occupational Health and Safety, and site security, with a number of explanatory maps provided to panel members.

The panel then worked in small groups to consider and build options for the delivery and location of trader and customer facilities within the market, including proposing locations for car parking, loading and unloading and storage and considering the location of new open space.

The panel will meet again on Saturday 27 October to further test and develop options for the delivery of market infrastructure. In the mean-time, the panel has posed a range of questions to the City of Melbourne and Queen Victoria Market Pty Ltd to seek information to support the participants’ deliberations.