The conversation
The University Square Master Plan (the Master Plan) was endorsed in 2016, and an updated plan was endorsed in October 2023.
At the October 2023 meeting, Council also endorsed a draft Concept Design for University Square Stage 2 for community consultation. This second phase of community engagement sought feedback on the Master Plan Refresh and draft concept plan for University Square Stage 2.
Master Plan Refresh

University Square Stage Two Draft Concept Design

Key features include:
- more than 2500 square metres of public open space for recreational and social activities
- new garden beds and lawn, providing lush neighbourhood greening the community has been asking for
- 41 per cent tree cover, helping to create a cooler environment in summer
- street furniture such as chairs, drinking fountains, picnic tables and bike hoops.
Gathering insights
From 3 October to 20 November 2023 over 130 people provided feedback through Participate Melbourne. A number of people also provided feedback through on-site meetings. Further feedback was gained through stakeholder meetings with the Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation, University of Melbourne and the Disability Advisory Committee.
Who we reached
We received 170 total responses, including:
- 138 online surveys
- 28 intercept surveys
- 4 independent submissions.

6 information boards/signs
At University Square with QR codes

Face-to-face engagement
At University Square at a Pop up session

Intercept surveys
Around Carlton, Parkville, University of Melbourne

Social media campaign
To promote the engagement

Key stakeholder meetings
- University of Melbourne (UoM)
- Disability Advisory Committee
- Cross Yarra Partnership (CYP)

Engagement and workshops with Traditional Owners
Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung

A presentation
To Melbourne Design Review Panel (MDRP)
What we heard
- Respondents were supportive of the increase in green park space and the opportunity for University Square to foster connections with nature.
- Respondents were also largely supportive of the opportunity for active recreation in the multi-purpose area for casual sport and organised events. Provision for passive recreation was also supported, especially the inclusion of a BBQ area, table tennis and tables for group gatherings and playing chess.
- Respondents were generally supportive of the Square communicating a design narrative with Indigenous stories and nature being most popular.
- Respondents were supportive of the at grade interfaces of Barry Street from building line to the Square’s green zone for barrier free connections.
- Concerns related to accessibility and greening.
- Comments were made about the accessibility of paths for people with disabilities and concerns for bikes and pedestrians sharing cars.
- Comments were also made requesting more trees be planted to replace the central elms and provide more shade.
- Some respondents were also concerned that the area allocated to open green space is too large.
- Concerns were raised about the location of the BBQ area on Barry Street next to the University of Melbourne Faculty of Business and Economics (FBE) building and FBE Library entrances, as noise would be an issue.
Comments and suggestions were captured across all sessions, and are listed below:
- Increase canopy cover.
- Ensure all areas are accessible to people with limited mobility.
- Warm ambient lighting at night for safety.
- Improve connections through the Square to increase accessibility and safety.
- Ensure pathways are clear, legible and safe for pedestrians.
- Explore increasing seating options throughout the Square, focusing on seating options for people of all needs.
- Ensure there is a level of passive surveillance achieved throughout the Square to improve safety. Consider how the multi-purpose area can be utilised for a wide variety of active uses.
- Explore how more shade can be provided to the multi-purpose area.
- Consider the location of water taps and providing a tap with a dog bowl.
- Explore the possibility of including a public toilet with disability facilities.
- Consider pathway connections across open green to improve accessibility.
- Consolidating a multi-purpose active recreation court to the north of the project to best support pedestrian movement central to the plaza.
- Moving the BBQ areas from the southern area of Barry Street to consolidate them into the social plaza areas and to reduce noise outside of key University of Melbourne building entrances and libraries.
- Unifying the ground plane materials to best support clear and direct pedestrian routes across the Square.
- Embed and celebrate Wurundjeri stories throughout the project through educational opportunities, seasonal flush of flora and fauna and welcoming spaces.
- Ensuring a sense of safety and inclusivity of all the spaces in the day and night through lighting and passive surveillance.
Based on extensive community consultation and engagement with external stakeholders including Wurundjeri elders and the University of Melbourne (UoM), the changes to the final Concept include:
- Foregrounding recognition of Traditional Owner narratives, particularly through opportunities for wellbeing and continuation of the Bouverie Creek water story through the site.
- Establishing Barry Street as an emphatic green space with ephemeral water features. This includes Barry Plaza as the entrance to University Square from Parkville Station.
- Enhancing pedestrian movement and relocating active recreation spaces to manage potential pedestrian and player conflicts.
- Collocating activities to support a diversity of uses, including passive, active and social activities, having consideration for interfaces, i.e. quiet spaces are located adjacent to the library.
- Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung welcomed a reconsideration of the square’s name in consultation with Aboriginal community. This is consistent with Future Melbourne 2026 Goal 9, that we are a city with an Aboriginal focus (Priority 9.1). It is also aligned with Council place naming strategy and Reconciliation Action Plan.
Read the consultation summary
Next steps
The University Square Stage 2 Concept Design was endorsed by the Future Melbourne Committee on 23 April 2024.
As a result, University Square Stage 2 will now move through a detailed design process. Construction works will not begin until after Parkville Station, which is being delivered as part of the Victorian Government’s Metro Tunnel Project, is completed (this is expected to be in 2025).