The University Square Master Plan sets the direction to transition a 19th century landscape into a modern space that will provide more room for the community and complement a range of future uses, while recognising the rich history of the site.
The Master Plan was endorsed in 2016 and outlines a vision for the Square that will better serve the local community, students, workers and visitors. Stage One was completed in 2019, creating a large new open space, additional trees, a biodiverse garden, seating and terrace spaces.
With the Parkville Station set to open in 2025, University Square will become the doorstep to one of the city’s newest public transport hubs. That’s why City of Melbourne has updated the Master Plan - responding to the many changes the Metro Tunnel will make to Carlton.
The refresh provides an update on the actions from the 2016 Master Plan, including actions that have been adapted to create a world-class space for the community that complements its future uses.
We’re now planning for Stage 2 of the project, which was endorsed by the Future Melbourne Committee on Tuesday 23 April 2024.
As a result, University Square Stage 2 will now move through a detailed design process. Construction works will not begin until after Parkville Station, which is being delivered as part of the Victorian Government’s Metro Tunnel Project, is completed (this is expected to be in 2025).
Consultation closed
Community consultation
Feedback we heard on the University Square Stage 2 draft concept design.
Timeline item 1 - complete
Community consultation on the University Square Master Plan and Stage One design plan
2014 to 2016
Timeline item 2 - complete
Stage 1 - What's your vision community engagement
1 September to 13 October 2014
Timeline item 3 - complete
Review community feedback and develop ideas plan
October 2014 to January 2015
Timeline item 4 - complete
Stage 2 - Ideas plan community engagement
16 January to 11 March 2015
Timeline item 5 - complete
Review community feedback on ideas plan and develop draft master plan
March to August 2015
Timeline item 6 - complete
Stage 3 - Draft Concept Plan community engagement
25 August to 5 October 5 2015
Timeline item 7 - complete
Review Concept Plan feedback and prepare draft Master Plan
October 2015 to July 2016
Timeline item 8 - complete
Draft Master Plan released for feedback
26 August to 19 September 2016
Timeline item 9 - complete
Master Plan presented to Council and adopted
December 2016
Timeline item 10 - complete
Master Plan implementation
October 2017 to May 2018
Timeline item 11 - complete
Parkville Station (Metro Tunnel) construction commences
Timeline item 12 - complete
Stage 1 open to public
Timeline item 13 - complete
Temporary artwork by Sean Lynch installed
Timeline item 14 - complete
MPavilion installed on site
Timeline item 15 - complete
Master Plan Refresh commences
Timeline item 16 - complete
Engagement on Stage Two draft concept design
5 October to 20 November 2023
Timeline item 17 - complete
Integrate engagement findings into final concept design and present to community
Early 2024
Timeline item 18 - complete
University Square Stage 2 Concept Design endorsed by the Future Melbourne Committee
23 April 2024
Timeline item 19 - active
Works to begin, following detailed design process on Stage 2 Concept Design
Expected to be 2025