Affordable Housing at Curzon and Victoria streets to be considered by Council

August 22, 2024

Council will consider the affordable housing proposal for North and West Melbourne at a meeting on Tuesday 27 August.

The recommendation for Council to consider includes progressing the lease of land at 325-341 Victoria Street, West Melbourne for an affordable housing development, and deferring further consideration of affordable housing at 44-60 Curzon Street, North Melbourne.

You can access the agenda papers and view the recommendation here.

You can make a submission in support or opposition to the item until 10am on Tuesday 27 August for Councillors to consider before the meeting.

Council meeting details

Tuesday 27 August, 5.30pm
Melbourne Town Hall Administration Building, 90-120 Swanston Street, Melbourne (enter near the flower stand), or via livestream (link available closer to the meeting date)

All welcome. Please register to attend in person here.