MPavilion - Making Home - Podcast and Graphic Recording

June 27, 2022

Watch a recording of Where to Next? Alternative Housing Options and Pathways, which was part of the MPavilion's Making Home series.

City of Melbourne were proud to be involved with the Making Home series, which put an important spotlight on the housing insecurity facing older women in Australia.

With women over the age of 55 now the fastest growing cohort of people experiencing homelessness in the country, there is an urgency in addressing this crisis. Making Home featured a range of presentations seeking to unpack the issues and policies that have led to this current environment and introduced audiences to those working to challenge the status quo.

To listen to short highlights from the conversation, against a timelapse of the graphic recording, check out the video below or click here.

You can listen to the panel discussion in full via MPavilion’s Podcast, which can be found on all major podcast hosting sites including Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or Soundcloud.