Where is Flagstaff?
Flagstaff is located to the west of Flagstaff Gardens, and bounded by King Street, La Trobe Street, Adderley Street, and Dudley Street.
What is the vision for Flagstaff?
Flagstaff will be a busy, diverse area of mostly residential and commercial buildings on the fringe of the central city that is well connected to the iconic Flagstaff Gardens.
The area will be distinct from the central city, characterised by large historic brick buildings, contemporary developments and warehouse restorations. Local streets will be home to small parks, recreation spaces and broad canopy trees, while a variety of shops and services will be found on Spencer Street, King Street, and La Trobe Street.
Flagstaff will continue to evolve as a central city fringe precinct with a mix of tower and podium development with a range of other building types. Opportunities will be maximised to provide new laneways through large sites.
A maximum floor area ratio of 6:1 is proposed for Flagstaff (mandatory), in combination with proposed design objectives and a maximum building height of 16 storeys (discretionary), with smaller sites and mid-block sites accommodating a lower built form.
Flagstaff will have a mix of uses including residential, businesses, institutions, schools, and higher education colleges, as well as community facilities.
Rezoning the area from mixed use zone to special use zone, and minimum requirements for employment floor space, will ensure the area continues to create local employment opportunities. See Part Two: The Framework (draft West Melbourne Structure Plan) for more information.
Flagstaff’s excellent access to public transport services will be enhanced with improved passenger facilities on Spencer Street and La Trobe Street.
Pedestrian access to Flagstaff Gardens and other local destinations will be improved with safer crossings on King Street and Spencer Street.
Road closures to create larger open spaces may be possible without impacting local vehicle access or through-traffic movements.
Batman Street and Adderley Street will be enhanced to provide distinct local open spaces to meet the needs of Flagstaff’s growing number of residents and workers including small urban plazas, parks and active recreation spaces.
Batman Street and Adderley Street will accommodate local open spaces for Flagstaff’s growing number of residents and visitors. Parts of these streets will be redesigned to address the different open space needs of the community. New open spaces will be provided in four locations:
- West of the Batman Street and Spencer Street intersection;
- East of the Batman Street and Adderley Street intersection;
- Along Adderley Street, between La Trobe Street and Batman Street; and
- West of the Batman Street and King Street intersection, adjacent to the Old St James Cathedral.