Where is West Melbourne?

West Melbourne is an inner urban area of Melbourne situated between the central city and North Melbourne, and adjacent to the renewal areas of City North, E-Gate, Dynon Road and Arden-Macaulay.

The structure plan study area includes the area bounded by Victoria Street to the north, Peel Street and William Street to the east, La Trobe Street to the south, and Adderley Street and Railway Place to the west.

West Melbourne map

What is the vision for West Melbourne?

West Melbourne will play a complementary role to the more intensive areas of development which will surround it into the future. It will retain its identity, diverse areas of character, and mix of uses as it evolves. Its heritage buildings and wide green streets will provide high amenity for residents, as well as commercial and retail opportunity in this distinct, inner urban neighbourhood.

The vision will be delivered through a number of proposals and actions, see Part Two: The Framework (draft West Melbourne Structure Plan). The proposals and actions relate to built form and density, activities, uses and infrastructure, movement and access and streets and spaces.

What are the five 'places' in West Melbourne?

The structure plan identifies five distinct places in West Melbourne, each with its own character and qualities. These are Spencer, Flagstaff, Adderley, Station Precinct and Historic Hilltop. The vision for West Melbourne is translated into separate visions for each of these five places. For a detailed explanation of the visions and proposals please refer to Part Three: Places (section A) and Part Three: Places (section B) (draft West Melbourne Structure Plan).