Amendment overview

The City of Melbourne prepared Amendment C365 to apply the Heritage Overlay to 372-378 Little Bourke Street (Chart House) on a permanent basis, recognising the entirety of the subject site as contributory to the Guildford and Hardware Laneways Heritage Precinct. An interim Heritage Overlay was introduced to the subject site through Amendment C355 in August 2019, set to expire in June 2020.

Amendment C365 implements the recommendations of the Guildford and Hardware Laneways Heritage Study May 2017 (Updated September 2019), which was revised to recognise Chart House as a contributory building to the Guildford and Hardware Laneways Precinct.

Amendment background

Amendment C365 will:

Amendment C271 introduced heritage controls for the Guildford and Hardware Laneways Precinct and was gazetted in August 2019. Chart House was originally included within Amendment C271 with only the side wall of the building to Niagara Lane listed as contributory to the Precinct. This finding was not supported by a Planning Panel held in July 2018 who regarded the building as non-contributory. This position was adopted by Council in November 2018.

Additional background information about Chart House subsequently received by Council and reviewed by heritage consultants has indicated that the entire building is contributory to the Guildford and Hardware Lane Precinct on the basis that it shares key characteristics of the precinct and is an intact and representative example of an interwar office building.

Prior to the gazettal of Amendment C271, the Minister directed the Council to run a site specific heritage amendment to introduce permanent controls on the site so that inclusion of the entire building as contributory within the Guildford and Hardware Laneways Precinct can be considered.

Map of area affected by Amendment C365:

Map of area affected by Amendment C365

Panel hearing

As directed by the Panel, the Council’s Part A submission to Amendment C365 and the expert witness statements are available in the document library below:

  • Peter Barrett
  • Robyn Riddett
  • Jim Gard’ner

Submissions were reviewed by Council and referred to an independent panel. A panel hearing was held on Monday 9 December and Tuesday 10 December 2019.

Before making a final decision on the amendment, Council considered the independent panel's advice. Once adopted by Council, the amendment was submitted to the Minister for Planning for final approval.

Document Library

Panel report

Expert Witness Statements

Amendment C365