By expanding the green space and reducing paving and road asphalt along Roden Street we will be able to create a larger, more beautiful and functional green space for the local community to enjoy.
The Greening Roden Street Proposal will transform the streetscape with:
- 1000sqm of additional greening and permeable ground area through the removal of paving and the conversion of roadway into green space.
- increased canopy to provide a cooler and more climate resilient street
- the creation of a new path network
- Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) features including passively irrigated trees
- biodiverse garden beds with seasonal plantings to provide a greater variety of natural features and amenity.
The proposed design increases green space and tree canopy, improves local area cooling, enhances native ecology and stormwater retention, and provides a more pleasant user experience.
Timeline item 1 - complete
Roden Street identified for street greening in the North and West Melbourne Urban Forest Precinct Plan.
The Precinct Plans are a key implementation tool of the Urban Forest Strategy.
Timeline item 2 - complete
Additional street tree planting occurred
Timeline item 3 - complete
Community requests for further street greening
Timeline item 4 - complete
Commenced technical feasibility studies
Timeline item 5 - complete
Community consultation period
Thursday 18 May 2023 to Thursday 15 June 2023
Timeline item 6 - complete
Pop up site meeting scheduled
Saturday 27 May (from 9.30pm to 10.30pm)
Timeline item 7 - complete
Analyse feedback
June 2023
Timeline item 8 - complete
Report back on what we heard and refine designs
Late 2023
Timeline item 9 - complete
Final Concept Plan endorsed at Future Melbourne Committee October 2023
Timeline item 10 - incomplete
Construction commences
Late 2024
Community consultation
From 18 May to 15 June 2023 we encouraged you to provide feedback on the Greening Roden Street proposal.