We've developed a discussion paper to inform the draft Macaulay Structure Plan.

Learn more about our proposed outcomes for Macaulay by reading the discussion paper overview and tell us what you think in the survey below.

You can also visit us at one of our pop-up engagement sessions, and share your feedback by participating in a community workshop.

Consultation has now closed.

What is your connection to Macaulay? Required

Select all that apply

1. Proposed vision for Macaulay

We are proposing to consolidate and simplify the six theme based visions from the 2012 structure plan into a single vision for Macaulay.

The vision:

"Macaulay will transition into a mixed use, mid-rise neighbourhood with a distinct inner urban character. New development will be high quality and deliver amenity for residents, workers and visitors.

Improvements to public transport services, walking and cycling will be prioritised to support sustainable modes of travel.

Greening of streets, enhancing the Moonee Ponds Creek and the delivery of new open spaces will provide connections and a network of local places.

Public and private investment will deliver community infrastructure to meet the needs of a growing and diverse neighbourhood.

Macaulay will adopt innovative solutions to climate change adaptation and mitigation."

1a. Do you support the consolidated vision for Macaulay? Required
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2. Theme 1.1. Activities and land use: Zoning

The majority of recent developments in Macaulay are almost entirely residential.

2a. How important is it to you that there is a mix of homes and local employment opportunities in a neighbourhood? Required
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3. Theme 1.2. Activities and land use: Affordable housing

3a. How important is it that new residential developments contribute to increasing the amount of affordable housing? Required
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4. Theme 2. Urban structure and built form

Floor area ratio is a type of planning control that sets a specific amount of development that can occur on a site. It allows for variation in the height and shape of buildings to help ensure that new developments respond better to their site and the characteristics of the area.

4a. How important is it that planning controls: Required
Very important
Somewhat important
Not very important
Not at all important
Not sure
Provide certainty in the amount of development for each site
Allow variation in the height and shape of buildings

5. Theme 3. Transport and access

To better support sustainable travel, we need to increase the frequency of public transport and prioritise walking and cycling over private vehicles.

5a. How important do you think our proposals for achieving sustainable travel are? Required
Very important
Somewhat important
Not very important
Not at all important
Not sure
Improve and enhance walking routes
Improve and enhance bike paths
Improve public transport
Reduce on-street car parking
Reduce off-street car parking

6. Theme 4. Public realm

6a. What type of activities should our outdoor public spaces cater for? Required

Select your top three.

7. Theme 5. Community infrastructure

7a. What community activities or support services should our indoor community facilities cater for? Required

Select your top three.

8. Theme 6. Flooding

More extreme rainfall events are predicted as a result of our changing climate. Drains currently take stormwater underground, however as rainfall increases we need to find additional ways to reduce flooding.

8a. How important is it to allocate space in streets and parks to help manage flooding? Required
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By providing your email address we will send you confirmation of your submission, and let you know how your feedback has been used.

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.

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