Chat with us

Chat with us

  • Rei Chin

    Neighbourhood Partner, Melbourne CBD


My name is Rei and I'm the Neighbourhood Partner for the Melbourne CBD.

I'm here to chat about your neighbourhood related ideas and help find answers to any questions.

You can reach me using the contact form below or on 0481 396 346.

Add a comment to the map

Add a comment to the map

Use the map below to highlight where you see there’s an opportunity to be addressed by the community and/or Council in the CBD neighbourhood. If the issue is urgent, please report it via online: City of Melbourne's services - City of Melbourne or by calling 9658 9658.

e-scooter hot-spot map

Add a comment to the e-scooter hot-spot map

Use the map below to highlight where you see there’s an e-scooter related opportunity or issue to be addressed in the CBD neighbourhood.

These will be reviewed by the e-scooter operators (Lime and Neuron), Victoria Police and City of Melbourne.

This map is to highlight general opportunities and issues, not critical incidents that need immediate attention. To report an incident, please call 000.
