The Queen Victoria Market Precinct Renewal Master Plan was developed following extensive community consultation.
We engaged with over 7,500 people, including traders, customers, residents and members of the broader community, whose feedback helped shape the direction of the program.
We undertook a three-phased stakeholder and community engagement approach to ensure effective and meaningful consultation, which led to the development of a Queen Victoria Market Precinct Renewal Master Plan.
November 2018
Phase one: November 2018
During a four week period, over 930 people participated in a wide range of engagement activities, including a two day 'pop-up' event, vox pops (inception surveys) and online engagement.
Phase one engagement sought to:
- introduce the concept of renewal
- discover the elements of the market that people most value
- identify the aspects of Queen Victoria Market that need to be improved and protected in the future.
Consultation pop-up
April-May 2014
Phase two: April-May 2014
During the second phase of engagement various activities were undertaken with a broad range of the public including customers, traders, local residents and stakeholders.
Over a four week period approximately 2,290 people participated in the engagement. More than 700 people contributed to engagement activities, including:
- an Engagement Hub at the market
- vox pops (short intercept surveys)
- key stakeholder group conversations
- access and inclusion tours
- call for submissions.
The engagement sought community feedback on five renewal draft concepts for Queen Victoria Market and requested comment on the following six themes:
- Heritage: What parts of the unique market experience should be retained?
- Open space: How could new open spaces be used?
- Car parking: What features could we include in our new car park?
- Access: What would make it easier for you to walk and cycle?
- Attractions: What other activities and events, such as the night market would you bring to the precinct?
- Retail, hospitality and services: What new services and products would you like to see in the market?
March 2015
Phase three: March 2015
This phase introduced and consulted on the draft Master Plan.
Feedback on the Queen Victoria Market Precinct Renewal Draft Master Plan was captured predominately via a survey. There were two surveys available, one for market traders and one for the public.
Over four weeks, more than 1,120 surveys were complete. These were collected online at Participate Melbourne, through intercept surveys at the market, and at the engagement hub.
Approximately 4,381 people participated in the engagement in total including:
- Participate Melbourne website users who completed a survey, engaged with a document or clicked a link: 3,468
- engagement hub visitors: 606
- intercept surveys undertaken within the market: 60
- stakeholder and trader discussion groups: 229
- submitters: 18.
Targeted and informal activities were undertaken with a wide range of people with an interest in the project.
Queen Victoria Market Precinct Renewal Master Plan
A Master Plan was developed following the three phases of engagement. The final Master Plan was endorsed by Council in July 2015.
The plan outlines a wide variety of proposals to revitalise the market precinct, which includes:
- a focus on improving the trader, customer and community experience
- options for preserving and celebrating the market's long history
- enhancing facilities for traders and market visitors
- providing more open spaces and places for events, eating and meeting
- easier access for pedestrians, cyclists and commuters
- better parking.