Community consultation summary available

January 31, 2019

The Ron Barassi Snr Park Consultation Summary is available. The report highlights a desire for improved amenities and an interest in participating in activities at the park.

Other feedback includes:

  • Opportunity for increased awareness of the park. Workers and respondents under the age of 35 were significantly less likely to be aware of the park
  • There is support for local sporting and recreational groups to be developed, in particular football (soccer) and yoga
  • Respondents would like to be kept in the loop about park information and activities
  • Requests for shading and seating around the playground and BBQ areas
  • Interest around pavilion use and how this can be used, for example for birthday parties

  • To find out more, read the Community Consultation Summary.

    Expressions of interest are still open to those wanting to form the first sports and recreation group at Ron Barassi Snr Park.

    If you would like to help establish and be part of this experience or for further information, please email us at or call the Libraries and Recreation team on 9658 9658.