Smoke-free business survey

For the purposes of this survey the term Bourke Street Mall refers to the area of Bourke Street between Elizabeth Street and Russell Place (including Bourke Street Mall).

Refer to the map of the proposed smoke-free area on the Smoke-Free Areas page.

If you are not a business owner, please respond to the smoke-free individual survey.

Consultation has now closed.

You have 100 characters left.
Does your business operate in the proposed smoke-free area in Bourke Street? Required
On which street is your business located? Required
How fair do you feel a smoking ban is for people using Bourke Street Mall? Required
What is your overall view about making Bourke Street Mall a smoke-free area? Required
What type of business do you operate? Required
Does your business have outdoor dining? Required
Can patrons, clients or staff smoke on your premises? Required


You have 50 characters left.


You have 50 characters left.
Prior to visiting this site were you aware of existing smoke-free areas in the City of Melbourne? Required
You have 150 characters left.
You have 350 characters left.

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.

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