The conversation

Whenever the City of Melbourne is planning, delivering a project or making a decision that significantly impacts the way our community experiences the city or their interaction with our organisation, the community must have the opportunity to meaningfully participate in that process. This is what we mean by community engagement.

To help us develop a new Community Engagement Policy, we reached out to lots of people to find out what is most important to them when engaging with Council. Community feedback helped shape the policy, which, in line with the requirements of the Local Government Act 2020, was endorsed in February 2021.

Gathering insights

From October 2020 to February 2021 we engaged with Traditional Owners and our diverse community, employees, and key stakeholders from broad sectors. To do this we used a range of methods including:

  • interviews
  • workshops
  • focus groups
  • pop-up kiosks
  • survey
  • digital tools

The consultation period for the broad public was open from 7 January to 3 February 2021.

Who we reached

In total, approximately 1200 people participated in this conversation, providing just under 3000 comments which we reviewed along the way as we shaped the policy. We heard from:


people face-to-face


survey participants


workshop members


targeted interviewees