Our goal is to make Melbourne one of the world’s most accessible and inclusive cities.

We developed our first Disability Action Plan in 1999, and since then we have been working to reduce and eliminate barriers in our physical, informational and social environments.

We undertook research and asked people with disability for their views on what needs to be done to make the city more inclusive. The findings of this research and the views of community members informed the draft Disability Access Plan 2020–2024, which was open for community consultation from 8 July to 5 August 2020.

The final Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2020-2024 was endorsed by Council on 15 September 2020. This plan outlines how we will continue to work to reduce and eliminate barriers, both within the City of Melbourne and with external partners, to enable the full participation of people with a disability who live, work, visit and study in our city.

The plan:

  • Was researched, developed and co-designed with the City of Melbourne’s Disability Advisory Committee.
  • Addresses barriers in our built, information and social environments.
  • Acknowledges embedded access initiatives implemented across City of Melbourne.
  • Highlights equity of access as an organisation-wide responsibility and reinforces co-design with community as the best practice model for achieving universal access.
  • Includes new access initiatives to be undertaken over the next four years.

The plan has been forwarded to the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission as the City of Melbourne endorsed Disability Access Plan 2020–2024. Progress on actions and measures will be reported annually.

    Consultation closed



    • Timeline item 1 - complete

      Draft released and consultation opens

      8 July to 5 August 2020

    • Timeline item 2 - complete

      Disability Access Plan finalised

      Mid 2020

    • Timeline item 3 - complete

      Future Melbourne Committee meeting

      Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2020-2024, Embracing Equity in Participation endorsed

      15 September 2020

    • Timeline item 4 - complete

      Final Disability Access Plan released


    Community consultation

    Feedback we heard on the Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2020-2024.

    Draft Disability Access Plan

    Find out more about the draft plan we developed to make Melbourne a more inclusive city.

    Contact Us

    Ask a question or give feedback on the draft Disability Access Plan, contact us below:

    Contact Information
    Name Vickie Feretopoulos
    Phone 0447 609 201
    Email vicfer@melbourne.vic.gov.au
    Website www.melbourne.vic.gov.au/Pages/contact-us.aspx
    In writing

    City of Melbourne

    Po Box 1603

    Melbourne, 3001