
The re-imagined local park provides a place of respite, exploration, play and wonder for city workers and residents. A resilient landscape approach integrates seasonal inundation as an exciting, changing wetland experience.

  • Continue to engage meaningfully and respectfully with the Traditional Custodians at all stages of the project.
  • Work with the Traditional Custodians to ensure the cultural narrative of the River is celebrated and embedded into the project delivery process and built outcome.
  • Work with topography, vegetation and integrated water management approaches to enhance the landscape resilience to climate change.
  • Improve the legibility of pedestrian pathways and interconnections with adjacent precincts and the central city.
  • Provide areas of respite and social connection for workers and residents of all ages.
  • Provide elements of play, delight and curiosity in an immersible river landscape .
  • Mitigate the impacts of rail infrastructure on open space amenity.
  • Provide opportunities for increased safety, amenity and activation.
  • Projected flood modelling.
  • Upgrade pedestrian crossing at King Street.
  • Upgrade pedestrian crossing at Spencer Street.

River Park Precinct map

Select each dot to learn more. Key improvements are shown by the green dots and coordination and advocacy work are shown by the blue dots.

  • Engage with Traditional Custodians and RAP determination.
  • Undertake climate impact and asset vulnerability assessment.
  • Coordinate with asset owners and authorities.

Explore the other Greenline precincts