
A new park at the end of the wharf provides a ecological focused destination with sweeping views of the Port, Victoria Harbour and the city. Adaptive reuse of the control tower recognises the industrial and port history of the area.

  • Continue to engage meaningfully and respectfully with the Traditional Custodians at all stages of the project.
  • Work with the Traditional Custodians to ensure the cultural narrative of the River is celebrated and embedded into the project delivery process and built outcome.
  • Acknowledge the Indigenous History including the Time of Chaos (Filling of Port Phillip Bay).
  • Enhance the river front neighbourhood on the wharf.
  • Create ecological park.
  • Adaptive reuse of port infrastructure.
  • Improve legibility of pedestrian connections on the rivers edge.

Salt Water Wharf Precinct map

Select each dot to learn more. Key improvements are shown by the green dots and coordination and advocacy work are shown by the blue dots.

  • Engage with Traditional Custodians and RAP determination.
  • Engage with developer and Development Victoria
  • Consider development timing and delivery of public realm works.
  • Undertake climate impact and asset vulnerability assessment.

Explore the other Greenline precincts